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Hearing Against Office of Financial Management, Friday, March 31st, 2023 at 10:30 am

There is a hearing in a public records suit brought by the Citizen Action Defense Fund against the Office of Financial Management in the Governor’s Office in Thurston Superior Court on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 10:30 am.  The suit is based on a request for initial offers in last year’s negotiations with public sector unions that culminated in an agreement for billion dollar salary and benefit increases that are currently under consideration by the legislature in this year’s budget.  

The issue is whether OFM is allowed to rely on a “deliberative process exemption” and whether the collective bargaining negotiations terminated with the signing of an agreement last year or whether it extends to final approval of the budget by the legislature and the signing of the budget into law next summer.

Below is the information on zoom for the hearing. Please remember to keep your camera and microphone off and identify yourself as “Observer” so that the court will not call on you.

Judge Mary Sue Wilson’s Civil Motions, Dispositive Motions and Appeals Calendar 

Friday 9:00am/1:30pm Zoom:

Zoom Meeting ID: 937 6680 7450; Password: 987560