Today, the Citizen Action Defense Fund (CADF) announced it initiated a lawsuit filed by two business owners against the Governor’s office, the Department of Ecology, the state Legislature, and the State of Washington challenging a law and agency rules that would effectively ban the sale of cars and trucks with internal combustion engines. CADF retained experienced outside counsel Joel Ard and David DeWolf to litigate the matter.
“The State Legislature cannot outsource its lawmaking to an unelected board of another state. Washingtonians deserve to have vital issues decided by open votes so that legislators and the governor can be held accountable at the ballot box. The rules passed by Ecology sidestep this basic constitutional right.” said Jackson Maynard, Executive Director of CADF. “At a minimum, our state government should have to explain to the people here why banning gas powered vehicles in seven years is a good idea and listen to their thoughts and criticisms. Basic good governance means citizens shouldn’t have to go to Sacramento to be heard on matters that should be decided in Olympia.”